Where is Elizabeth Rex now? Closer Than You Think

23 mai 2012

The Montreal Gazette, le 10 mai 2012
Par Pat Donelly

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Elizabeth Rex is in town. Or at least Diane D’Aquila, the actor who created the role in the Timothy Findley play at the Stratford Festival then went on to win a Gemini for the film version is here. She is rehearsing a remount of Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon’s La Belle et la Bete for Toronto’s Luminato Festival. (Check my Saturday Gazette theatre column for more on D’Aquila and this production.)

To see that show, you’ll have to go to Toronto between June 8th and 12th.

But if you want to see a new production of the Findley’s play Elizabeth Rex, you need look no further than the Segal Centre, in June. Unfortunately. D’Aquila will not be available to recreate her performance here as she recently did at the Chicago Shakespeare Company, in Chicago.

Fortunately, Tableau d’Hote Theatre has found an admirable substitute in Leni Parker, who seems to be getting a lot of queen gigs these days. She’s currently on stage as the Queen of Bohemia in Scapegoat Carnivale’s production of The Heretics of Bohemia at the Segal Centre Studio.

Elizabeth Rex runs June 13 to July 1, also at the Segal Centre Studio.
